Looking for ways to make a difference in the world? Do you recognize an increase in student anxiety when discussing climate change? Curious how to explain environmental justice to young people? These are some of the questions new course 5231: Empowering Action with Environmental Science will answer.
Whether you are a science teacher, or an educator motivated to teach students ways they can create a sustainable future, this is the course for you! Learn to lead students in environmental advocacy and determine ways they can impact the earth as they study real-world, authentic environmental issues. Find out what motivates learners to act, direct courageous conversations about environmental justice, and design road-maps for individual and school-wide sustainability practices. Using the structure of project-based learning (PBL) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), you’ll explore how to rank topic ideas and outline lessons that perfectly pair social-emotional learning with environmental science. Empower students to meaningful action to make the world better and the future brighter in this forward-thinking, hopeful course.
In this course, we advocate for practices that are good for the earth! If you are considering starting a sustainable practice (e.g. using renewables instead of plastic, planting a bee garden, riding your bike instead of driving, etc.) take a look at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations above for inspiration, then use this free template so you and your students can track your actions. Way to go!
Featured Course
Empowering Action with Environmental Science
Course 5231 | 3-Credits | Gr. 6-12+