Have you heard the warning, “sitting is the new smoking”?
As a result of our increased reliance on technology, we are sitting more than ever before and it’s become dangerous to our, and our students’, health. Because of our sedentary lifestyles, we are seeing an increase in obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. To get us back on track, Learners Edge has designed Course 5132: Technology on the Move, Best Practices for Balancing Movement and Technology that explores both the risks and the rewards of technology use and how movement can be easily integrated into lessons and learning.
The course is filled with just the right amount of acronyms to ensure easy recall of movement and tech strategies, including Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques (SMART), designed to address student stress and boost resilience. In this course, teachers will learn how to become Movement and Technology Educators (MTE) and will explore ways to combine technology with a healthy body and mind. Students will reap the academic and physical rewards of increased movement, and teachers will too!
Course Number: 5132
Course Title: Technology on the Move, Best Practices for Balancing Movement and Tech
Continuing Education Graduate Credit: 3 semester credits
Course Grade Band: PreK-12+
Learners Edge Offers 100+ Self-Paced, Online,
Graduate Credit Continuing Education Courses for Teachers