4 New Courses for You!

Learners Edge has New Courses Ready for You! 

No matter how you’re teaching this year – virtual, in-person, or hybrid – we have courses to support you and your professional world. Take a look at our new releases!

1. Course 5115: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Students, Wellness, and Society

For digital natives, social media has become the primary way to communicate. It has also become a big obsession: keeping up with one another, using photos and “likes” as currency. Exploring the Impact of Social Media will help educators and in turn, digital natives, understand the effects of social media on the brain, and how the coding in apps aim to keep us paying attention. Social media is a tool, not good or bad, but too much use can be detrimental to health and self-identity. This course illuminates the benefits and the drawbacks of our online interactions so we can all learn to regulate our use of social media, along with several creative ways to keep technology in its place.

2. Course 5116: Connecting and Calming Strategies for Today’s Teachers

Envision reacting to the world of unknowns and “new normals” with a connected-and-calm response, even when circumstances are beyond your control. Picture the transformative power of understanding and managing your innate stress response by focusing on gratitude, empathy, compassion, and hope. Connection and Calming Strategies for Today’s Teachers will ensure you break free from the bonds of stress as it teaches why cortisol floods our bloodstream when we are under stress, and how somatic awareness, mindfulness, and emotional resilience are the tools we can use to retrain our stress response for a happy, healthy life.

3. Course 5122: Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World

Filled with resources, videos, strategies, and more, Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World, will have you digging deep into this timely topic. Investigate media literacy, fake news basics, and effective and engaging teaching strategies. Discover the five components of media literacy education, and uncover reliable methods for educating students about fake news. Reflect on current practices and develop opportunities to apply new learning to your classroom or school for a real, relevant impact on 21st Century students.

4. Course 5128: Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom 

Talking about race, though challenging, is necessary. It’s a conversation all of us need to have, no matter our race, background, or comfort level. In this powerful course, you will examine your own racial socialization and learn about the complex history of race in America. Once you’ve made these critical connections between past and present, you will explore ways to facilitate productive dialogue around race, identity, inequality, and justice with students (or among colleagues). You will learn anti-biased/anti-racist approaches to classroom instruction and learn how ensure equity in the curricular materials you choose. Whether you teach young students or young adults, this course will give you the tools you need to engage age-level appropriate, critical conversations about race and actively work towards rooting out racism.

Learners Edge Offers 100+ Self-Paced, Online,
Graduate Credit Continuing Education Courses for Teachers

Explore All Courses Now!

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